Xmas Pudding Hinge Card
So, here are the cards I'm teaching at the Workshop on Saturday, at the Annerley Baptist Church for CAP. Fairly simple, but hopefully the ladies will like them. In other exciting news I forgot to mention, I have been nominated for an Employee Excellence Award! Check it out!
I chopped the top of it off scanning it, but you get the idea. I know I'm a big dag being all excited about it, but if the shoe fits ;) Apparently there is some sort of awards ceremony where they announce the best retail award as well as the employee one - sounds very Logies ;)
Anyway, I don't have time for this sort of shenanigans, I've got a thousand things to do! (Aaarrgghh) slight stress attack. Stay tuned for the next exciting episode ;)
Love the cards, I will have a blast today - can't wait to see how it goes.... And congrats on the nomination! Who did that do you think?
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